Project Category: Itineraries

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The Contemporary Arno Valley

The Contemporary Arno Valley

The Arno Valley has a rich history and is home to significant works of art, dating from the early middle ages to the twentieth century, which make the whole territory a museum. The presence of contemporary art in the Arno Valley has certainly a great deal to do with Venturino Venturi. He was born in...

The Arno Valley as a land of work

The Arno Valley as a land of work

By the end of the Modern Age the main towns of the Upper Arno Valley were fairly developed. Between the mid- 16th Century and the end of the 19th Century there was an important demographic growth and the population doubled. This, amongst other factors, was the starting point for the process of industrialization. The activities...

The Arno Valley of the Balze

The Arno Valley of the Balze

Le Balze - Valdarno

Le balze rappresentano l’aspetto più spettacolare e singolare del paesaggio del Valdarno Inferiore e ne raccontano la storia più remota e i suoi continui mutamenti. Narrano la storia di un territorio in cui, tre milioni di anni fa, si formò un lago intorno alle cui sponde vissero elefanti, ippopotami, rinoceronti, iene e tigri.

Between Land and Tempera

Between Land and Tempera

pala neri di bicciL'itinerario, organizzato dal Sistema Museale del Valdarno condurrà il visitatore alla scoperta delle opere presenti nel territorio: tesori spesso poco conosciuti o non accessibili, resi visibili per l´occasione. Ma anche tracce degli artisti che vi lavoravano, ma i cui capolavori sono oggi altrove come Sandro Botticelli e Filippo Lippi. Un´occasione importante per un viaggio alla scoperta della pittura e della scultura rinascimentale in Valdarno. 

Robbian works in the Arno Valley

Robbian works in the Arno Valley

An important port of call to further explore the fascinating world of the Robbian works in the Arno Valley is the city of  San Giovanni Valdarno. It was right here that the Della Robbia family, in addition to their adversaries the Buglioni family,  left tangible signs of their “arte nuova, utile e bellissima” as Giorgio Vasari defined...

The seventeenth century in the Arno Valley

The seventeenth century in the Arno Valley

In 2011 three important exhibitions took place in San Giovanni Valdarno, Montevarchi and Terranuova Bracciolini which aimed at shining a light on the florid seventeenth century and in particular on the works of artists like Giovanni Martinelli , Giovanni da San Giovanni and the Concini family – powerful patrons of the area. This interesting research...